(Home Edition) Barre & Yoga Fusion

September 9 (Monday)
at 5:15 pm

Class length
55 minutes

You will need a mat, a chair or counter space.
A smile -- we are going to have fun!
Weights will depend on who is in the class and if you have them. :)
Fusion = a blending of styles for one great class!
Be strong & balanced in this class that uses light weights, balance bar, yoga props and massage balls to target your arms, legs and core. Using Barre, Yoga, and Nia techniques this is the ultimate full-body experience to begin your day.

Each week is slightly different, depending on our week's focus. You will love the great music and positive energy in the class. And while you will be challenged at times, it is fun and achievable. 


Sorry - that class has already taken place!